Vintage Veil Combination

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Ah  1960's bellydance ! How I treasure my early impressions of this art from the Hollywood movies I watched as a child eagerly soaking up the array of colors and flowing fabric . It was from my first impressions of bellydance. I was inspired to create this vintage veil combination suitable for all levels of dance for my beginners and multi -level classes. In the video you will see some brand new students just a couple weeks in doing very well while the inner circle of dancers have been studying with me longer and have more fluidity. The Rhythm is a bolero which many dancers used in the early American Cabaret scene.

Breathe to the Count:

Practice counting 12345678
Breathe in for 1234
Breathe out 5678
Practice walking in a straight-line allowing your body to naturally sway
Make sure you are fluid and feminine as you practice walking.
Keep your chest lifted upward.

The Footwork:

Step RLR lift L leg up
Turn L while stepping on L
Continue the full turn with  R L steps
Step back L to end

Reverse on other side starting with L foot

The Veil & Body Line:
Veil over neck butterfly style
As you lift up your left allow your back to arch to the opposite side for more drama
As you step back for the last step allow your body to lean back with the step to solidify the last count.
Also try the veil behind you normal style flowing

Enjoy & Practice !
