The Goddess Retreat
Najia Bellydance GODDESS RETREAT
June 7th -June 8th
Single workshops, Full day or Full 2 day with overnight options available.June 7th -June 8th
By adorning your body, nurturing your dance and filling your belly with healthy and kind food you help to awaken the goddess within yourself. Sharing these experiences with other women helps to empower and bring inspiration. We see the beauty within ourselves by appreciating the beauty in others
Saturday June 7th -A day to reset and recharge
Noon- Arrival time!
Check in. Upon arrival receive a hair flower and crystal bindi to adorn yourself. Meet & Greet over introductions while being served fresh squeezed organic agave mint lemonade and hand crafted appetizers ."Meet & Greet with a healthy elixir on the rustic porch "

"Recharge with walks an stalks along the River ."
2pm-Mica hike along the river. Connect with water and earth elements
in the beautiful historic forest near waterfalls.

Be one of the first to register and you can choose the Blue & White room "
4pm-Make your own natural take home beauty treatment.
5pm Cooking Lesson. Celebrate Spring with an organic vegan meal.
"You will always be well nourished and well fed with Najia's buffets "
6pm-Let”s Dine! Cooking lecture and Q & A.
7:30 PM- Goddess dance class; "Connecting Heaven & Earth".
8:30 Free time and relaxation.
Optional discussion group over tea and dessert until the wee hours, discovering the secrets of life.

" The French Room is my favorite."
Sunday June 8th -Body, Mind Soul
8-10 am-Continental breakfast. Assortment of fruit, nuts and teas. Organic coffee available.
Optional nature walk. Visit the horse stables. Indulge in a morning stretch in your PJ’s on the veranda.
10:00 am-Smoothie master class.
"The meals and cooking lessons will help to restore your health"
11:00 -12:30pm- Waterfall Goddess Dance. Uncover the secret of dancing with complete fluidity.
1pm-3pm- Cooking class featuring power protein salads & homemade vegan cashew cheese.
3-4pm- Free time
4-5pm NEW ! Just added .Henna party !
5-6pm Closing ceremony
Retreat includes: 1 overnight stay, 3 full meals and lots of snacks, 3 cooking classes, 2 instructional dance classes,1 eco-beauty class including supplies and take home treatment, Souvenir crystal bindi and lots of love. Notes and recipes available and emailed upon completion of course.
"Retreat includes lots of love along with tasty food !"
2 DAY FULL STAY Price: $210 (only 1 space left !) pay by by June 1st
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $189 if paid in full by April 28th
$50 non-refundable deposit.
Only 8 people maximum /double occupancy .
DAY 1 $100 by by June 1st (only 2 spaces left !)
DAY 2 $100 by by June 1st (only 2 spaces left !)
Waterfall Dance on (Sunday 11-12:30 am) /$40 by June 1st
Vegan cooking Class & Meal (Saturday 5-7pm) /$65 by June 1st
Vegan Cheese and Protein Salad & meal ( Sunday 1-3pm)/ $65 by June 1st
This is a vegan, non -smoking establishment. No alcohol permitted on premises
a 4% processing change is added to pay the extra for online orders
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